A podcast about how to make film and TV by filmmakers who actually make them. Interviewing guests from the film-making world from Indie film to Hollywood and everything in between. Hosts Giles Alderson (The Dare), Lucinda Rhodes Thakrar (Knights of Camelot), Christian James (Fanged Up) & Andy Rodger (World of Darkness), Dom Lenoir (Winter Ridge) and many others.

Tuesday May 01, 2018
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Screenwriter and Producer Guy J Jackson and stars of the movie Arielle Brachfeld and Ashley Park join Giles Alderson (The Dare) to talk about their new indie noir thriller LA Overnight
How Arielle jumped into the indie world by making Return of the Ghostbusters - A Ghostbusters fan film and her second written feature Chemical Peel and how LA is often not very welcoming to filmmakers but it does have a base and group of people who will help out to make indie films but with technology around now there is no excuse not to make a film.
Ashley has also recently produced the film Surviving Theatre 9 which is out soon and how it differs from being just an actress. "It’s so useful as an actress to also produce. You will never complain again. You get used to everything, nothing fazes you. It’s a really great learning experience”
Arielle found out she was auditioning for the lead role in LA Overnight at the read through and how she brought in lead actor Azim Rizk.
As the screenwriter and producer, Guy talks about getting a job by writing good emails. How tough Hollywood is. Michael Chrisoulakis, the director gave have a chance. But gave him boundaries to go with it and How Noir has pitter patter style to it's dialogue and their work to get the script as strong as it can be.
Ho they cast Hollywood names Lin Shay (Insidious) and Peter Bogdanovich (The Last Picture Show).
How to Film in LA. People will try and get money by playing the radio loudly and will want money for them to go away. Avoiding permits but getting insurnace is key. "If you're a dude with a camera and another dude with a mic no one usually bothers you. Just make sure you have insurance".
Shooting with a drone. Was so nervous you might be arrested. But director Micheal saw LA through a foreigners eyes and saw the beauty.
How they shot for nine months, shooting on weekends.
How you become Battle Buddies from your time on set and how you can be so proud of a film and proud of your co-stars and team
The secret is... getting someone else’s money
Watch the film www.amazon.co.uk/Los-Angeles-Over…ld/dp/B079KHK1TF
Trailer : www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwyZGYtBoNg
Follow them
FACEBOOK LosAngelesOvernight
TWITTER @LA_Overnight
INSTA AxAshleyPark Twitter @abrachfeld @GuyJJackson
Follow US at www.thefilmmakerspodcast.com Twitter @filmmakerspod

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Director Mark AC Brown and actor David Whitney talk about how they made their new indie film Guardians.
We also chat about how Mark made a film for his degree but it was a great experiment and not to be seen again. How he wrote a feature script for Nu Image but the 'Expendables' ruined it and how it is best to write something to make yourself for free or on a micro budget with what you have available to you.
How when making an indie film, continuity is not as important as the story. How the establishing scene of a character is so important. But don’t waste time on drone shots. Then get the most amount of permissions you can get. And if not shoot anyway.
Suzanne Smith - their DoP was a runner on a Brainehound short and worked her way up. Made short film Beard with David and Mark and proved herself as a brilliant DoP and How having great all rounders like Fred Fournier and Joe Starrs as editor and 1st AD respectively is vital as is keeping your ‘team’ from your shorts/music videos and bringing them with you.
With low budget movies you have to juggle and workaround peoples schedules and how 'Withnails' - Richard E Grant's marvelous book was an inspiration (as was The Wah Wah Diaries)
When you are supposed to be doing he scene in 4 shots but end up doing it in one due to time constraints but it’s one of the best moments in the film so it's not always best to stick to your shot lists.
Why post can take so long when you are asking for favours on a micro budget film.
How they learned from other filmmakers on how they distributed their films - Ben Cookson, Fizz and Ginger's Two Down and James Rumsey's Drunk on Love.
Mark wanted to have a cinema run so chose Our Screen to have a theatrical release. Then the release got extended as it sold out for the second night.
And how they opened a festival in a double bill with recent horror film IT.
The Film: www.guardiansfilm.co.uk/
Trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq25LXWmsps&t=10s
Twitter twitter.com/guardiansbhf
Facebook www.facebook.com/guardiansfilm/
Mark AC Brown www.markacbrown.com/ Twitter : twitter.com/Brainehowndfilm
David Whitney www.davidwhitney.org/ Twitter: twitter.com/DWhitney
Follow us
www.TheFilmmakersPodcast.com T: @filmmakerspod
Giles Alderson www.directedbygiles T: @gilesalderson
Recorded at Just Voices Studios in London

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Oliver Veysey (The Railway Man) and Bryn Higgins (Black Mirror / Electricity) join host Giles Alderson (The Dare) to chat about their latest film Access All Areas which was shot at Bestival music festival and stars Ella Purnell, Jordan Stephens, Georgie Henley, Jason Flemying and Phil Daniels.
For one of his first jobs in film we learn how Oliver, while working as Robert de Niro's assistant on Starfish had to make the best Martini or risk being fired. How he got a assistant job at Working Title after cold calling every film company he could.
Bryn talks about his background in documentaries and how they are a great way into feature films. How and why he made Unconditional - an LGBTQ movie and from there made the brilliant Electricity starring Anges Deyn
His process of working with actors “The camera photographs thoughts so if you think it right, you are there". And how he would rather have a floor plan rather than story board.
Making sure to block the scenes with the DOP in the room.
Oliver's experience producing The Railway man and how having a great mentor (in his case, Andy Patterson) is the best training a producer can have. How it took 14 years to get it made. Even with Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman on board there was still no guarantee the film would go ahead.
Filming at a music festival. Noise levels, crowds, performing live to track on the real stage and other issues of filming at a festival full of mud, blood and kids
How learning from making the Bourne Ultimatum helped shoot the crowd scenes in AAA and trying not to pick a toilet people were having sex in also helps.
Access All Areas Trailer www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqHGryajEgQ
Buy the film www.amazon.co.uk/Access-All-Areas…ll/dp/B076JJ675W
Follow the team @AAAthefilm www.aaathefilm.com @olivervesey
Follow us at www.thefilmmakerspodcast.com @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson
Recorded at JustVoicesAgency.com

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Part 2 of our chat with the Dark Beacon film team on How to Make Indie Horror Films and Get Investors & Distributors on board. Coz Greenop, Lee Apsey and The Film Label's Nick Sadler join host Giles Alderson (The Dare) to talk about their latest indie films Dark Beacon and House Red. Part 1 is available here: goo.gl/q4UYjL
On this episode we chat working with kids, are storyboards useful, finding creative moments in a small space, getting coverage and how learning to edit is very useful as a director.
As a Producer it is sometimes a good thing to just do the ground work and let the director get on with it.
We chat distribution and Sales with Nick who talks Film Label and First Flights and how getting press and print promotion is difficult these days but if you fly/bring out a journalist for an on set visit they will likely do you a piece.
How Coz got Kubrik’s dop Doug Millsome on board his latest feature and how amazing it is to see your film on set when it came from an idea you had one day.
Dark Beacon Trailer here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHlgEcGl6I4
Buy Dark Beacon here: www.amazon.co.uk/Dark-Beacon-Apri…on/dp/B079VXRJLD
First Flights www.goldfinchstudios.co.uk/other-compa…st-flights/
Follow the boys on twitter here: @cozgreenop @leeapsey @green13 @thefilmlabel @MikeFury
Follow us: www.thefilmmakerspodcast.com
@gilesalderson www.directedbygiles.com @thedaremovie
Recorded at www.justvoicesagency.com

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Part 1 of How to Make Indie Horror Films and Get Investors & distributors on board with Coz Greenop, Lee Apsey and The Film Label's Nick Sadler who join Giles Alderson (The Dare) to talk about their latest indie film Dark Beacon starring April Pearson, Jon Campling and Toby Osmond. Part 2 is out on Friday.
They talk about how finding out your debut feature film is renamed from Wandering Rose to Demon Baby by the distributors with neither a Demon or a Baby in it.
How they went to Cannes with 50 DVD’s in a rucksack. Sleeping on floors and trying to sell you film
and finding the indie community is vital but attending events, listening to podcasts and actually going out and making a film is the best advice you can get.
How they threw a party in Cannes and got investors to come along. Gave away caps and t-shirts with their logo Green13 and becoming one of the top 3 villa parties in Cannes which created a buzz and made the film Dark Beacon actually happen as they could also show investors their last project and how it earned money.
Getting locations and filming in Jersey. Casting - April Pearson, Lynne Anne Rodgers , Toby Osmond and Jon Campling
Screenwriting. Working well as a team and how they gender flipped between drafts to female leads. Having to re-write on set at low budget level by thinking on your feet.
And how filming is like an event company. All prepped for one day. Over and over again.
Trailer here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHlgEcGl6I4
Buy Dark Beacon here: www.amazon.co.uk/Dark-Beacon-Apri…on/dp/B079VXRJLD
Follow the boys on twitter here: @cozgreenop @leeapsey @green13 @thefilmlabel @MikeFury
Follow us: www.thefilmmakerspodcast.com
@gilesalderson www.directedbygiles.com @thedaremovie
Recorded at www.justvoicesagency.com

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Andy Nyman drops by to chat about his debut as a director on his feature film Ghost Stories. Based on his stage play of the same name, he co wrote and directed with Jeremy Dyson (The League of Gentlemen) to make a haunting and chilling ghost story (or two).
He chats about his acting background, how seeing Richard Dreyfus in Jaws as a curly haired Jewish guy made him think he could also be in films, made him want to act and go into filmmaking. Working with Rian Johnson and being in Star Wars and with Darren Brown and Ben Caron (on The Crown)
As a director and in filmmaking how to do different takes and to have great to have options in the edit. Do it until your happy with it.
Important to picking the right team around you. Who would help you. Including Ole Burkeland (The Crown) as his DoP collaboration & Clare Jones as his producer. (Field in England).
With Ghost Stories how he wanted to make a piece of cinema shot well and old school and not shaky cam .
How he got got the cast with an A list star in MARTIN Freeman. Casting. Being over the moon to get his cast. Paul Whitehouse and Alex Lawther.
Don’t play it cool, share the love and communicate with you crew and eventually your audience
Know and love every second of your script. Be ready and prepped for when it all falls apart.
Look at films that inspire you. Those filmmakers film are filled with personality.
“If you’re making an independent film, make the film that would want to see, that would excite you to see it”
Follow Andy Nyman on Twitter @AndyNyman or www.AndyNyman.com
Follow us @thefilmmakerspod www.thefilmmakerspodcast.com
@gilesalderson @35mmdop @cjamesdirect
Recorded at JustVoices.co.uk

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Our Podcast Hosts and Filmmakers Giles Alderson (The Dare), Dan Richardson (Retribution) and Andrew Rodger (World of Darkness) sit down to chat about the Five Things they Wish they Known Before Making their first Feature Films.
They chat about who you know and if that could be Ridley Scott
How less is more and how you should make yourself useful on set regardless of your role..
How you should try and enjoy it and be in the moment.
how having a solid script is essential before getting to set and how vital it is to get feedback.
They talk filmmaking tricks and tips and what is important on set. Why you should have the best art direction and costume designer you can.
Having responsibility as a leader on set and don't be afraid to ask or to answer any questions.
How you as a filmmaker have the power to make positive change in the people you hire and work with in the industry and so much more.

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Producer, Director and screenwriter, Lee Chambers joins Giles Alderson (The Dare) and Christian James (Fanged Up) to talk about his new indie movie The Pineville Heist.
Made for 100k and a lot of help from local crew and nearby locations in Cananda, Lee set out to make his debut feature film and came across a whole heap of problems.
We chat about his award winning short film Hugh Jackman Saves the World, His time helping out on a movie LVJ, which was Giles' first ever feature film and the how the same DoP worked on both films. Casting a named talent (BooBoo Stewart) and heaving to re-cast due to time.
Questioning yourself on set and working creatively with your cinematographer and how sometimes it's ok to tell people to fuck off.
THE PINEVILLE HEIST, stars PRESLEY MASSARA, PRISCILLA-ANNE FORDER, CARL BAILEY, DARRYL DOUGHERTY, JACOB BROWN and BASIL HOFFMAN Produced & Directed by Lee Chambers Co-Written by Todd Gordon & Lee Chambers Co-Produced by Tara Dixon Cinematographer David Le May WATCH Trailer www.youtube.com/watch?v=z81JGqHrMFQ
BUY the Pineville Heist www.amazon.co.uk/Pineville-Heist-…rs/dp/0986494313
Follow on Twitter: twitter.com/pinevilleheist LIKE us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/The-Pi...
About Lee Chambers:
Lee Chambers is a graphic design graduate from Sault College in Canada and a film graduate from Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK. Chambers spent ten years working professionally in England and Los Angeles writing and directing drama shorts, music videos and commercials. He has attended and screened his short film productions at top festivals, such as the Cannes Film Festival and the Edinburgh International Film Festival, with critical acclaim coming from Total Film Magazine and Fox Television. Chambers currently teaches in the Film Production Program at Confederation College in Thunder Bay. He created the award-winning Make It Short Film Project in 2005, which has attracted executive support from Academy Award winners, Paul Haggis, Denys Arcand and Roger Corman. In 2012, Lee won the NOMFA Screenwriter of the Year Award for his Australian short film, 'Hugh Jackman Saves The World'.
Follow us at www.thefilmmakerspodcast.com
Twitter @filmmakerspod, @gilesalderson @cjamesdirect @leechambers @thedaremovie

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Filmmaker Deborah Haywood joins Giles Alderson (The Dare) and guest host Julian Kostov (Another Mothers Son) to chat about her brilliant debut feature film Pin Cushion and how making shorts was the best way to prep for the mammoth task of making a feature.
We chat about the new Martson's Beer Town Film Festival in Burton and go in-depth about going from shorts to feature films and how it can really be a calling card. From making her first short Lady Margaret with Michael Sorcha to winning awards and getting noticed for her short film Sis and 'Twinkle Twinkle' for Rankin presents. Being involved with i-features and the BFI and how important it is to stick to your gut when writing your feature films.
We also chat about her screenwriting process, being strong on set and bold with casting, being bullied and feeling vulnerable, leading on set but being scared, and building relationships on set with the crew.
And importantly, Directing with love and having the right collaborative team and producer is so key.
Oh and actor Robert Maaser makes a surprise appearance.
Pin Cushion Trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHLQkO_BvsI
Sis (short film): www.youtube.com/watch?v=XejVV2VA_h8
Marston's Beer Town Film Festival
Twitter: @blytheface @pincushion @juliankostov @gilesalderson @thedaremovie @marstonsbrewery
Insta: @gilesalderson @juliankostov @themindisthemagic
Song: Atomic Son

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
How to distribute your short film, web-series or feature film. Klaus Badelt, composer of Gladiator and Pirates of the Caribbean and CEO of distribution platform Filmhub joins Giles Alderson to chat indie film, getting his first job and making 'movie-movies'.
How he went from a low budget first movie to a $100m second movie.
From Making coffee to working and composing with Hans Zimmer.
How he learned as a creative to play to an audience.
And when working on a giant film like Gladiator you still have to keep that indie spirit.
How in lower budget movies you have to be creative and make your movie for your audience. “Take them on a ride and take them out of the world for a few hours”
This year, 14,000 films were submitted to Sundance and 97 films got accepted. Which makes your odds very low.
Filmhub gives you Multi national distribution where your film can get worldwide distribution as there were 53 new streaming service in states last year all looking for films like yours.
With Filmhub, your film goes into the market place, software based algorithms send it to the right distributor for you. 13,000 projects on film hub. They promote it and get it on watch lists for the buyers to buy. Get your films on te platform now. It's FREE and a great way to get your film seen.
A wonderful in-depth chat about how to distribute your short films, feature films or series and cut out the middle man.
Head to www.filmhub.com
Follow Klaus @Kbadelt
Follow us @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @thedaremovie