A podcast about how to make film and TV by filmmakers who actually make them. Interviewing guests from the film-making world from Indie film to Hollywood and everything in between. Hosts Giles Alderson (The Dare), Lucinda Rhodes Thakrar (Knights of Camelot), Christian James (Fanged Up) & Andy Rodger (World of Darkness), Dom Lenoir (Winter Ridge) and many others.

Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
In Part 1 of our great chat with acting legend Timothy Spall and director Stephen Cookson.
We discuss working with Tom Cruise & Cameron Crow. Making 'Rock Star' with Jennifer Aniston and Mark Walberg and how going to a Hollywood movie from indie films is the same but bigger. The difference between the two.
How Tim and Stephen worked together for The first time on 'My Angel' feature film. Casting and delivering a project together after that.
The go into detail about how they wrote STANLEY, A MAN OF VARIETY together.
How Tim managed to play all 16 characters and be the only actor in the film and how directors differ.
Raising the finance through Red Rock and working with a small crew
Mark Brailsford who was a stand in actor and deserves a shout out.
"The older I get the more worried I get about getting it right".
We learn how Stephen went for being an extra to wanting to be a film director
Working with directors and what makes them good.
“The only thing as an actor you have to do is turn and be the part and make people believe you ”
& working with Clint Eastwood.
Part TWO will be out on Friday where we discuss Tim's work on Harry Potter, we learn about Stephen's directing background and whether an agent or manager is a good thing for a director to have.
Stanley A Man of Variety is OUT NOW at Picture House Cinema's.
Link to screenings: https://www.picturehouses.com/film/stanley-a-man-of-variety
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=QV5y7hN9bp4
Raindance www.raindance.org
Raindance offer http://bit.ly/DeepCharacterisation use the code RDPODCAST20 for % off
Eaten By Lions https://www.eatenbylions.com/
Our Song - Scott Lyus IndieGoGo https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/our-song-a-sci-fi-story-about-dementia/x/3041448#/
Official SITE of the podcast www.thefilmmakerspodcast.com
Part of the www.PodFixNetwork.com
Giles Alderson Official site http://www.directedbygiles.com
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @35mmdop.com

Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
A brilliant chat with the very successful indie film producer and actor Tom Malloy who has raised over 25M for his own feature films. we chat indie film-making and how he made his latest film the found footage horror feature Screamers. (out now)
Host Giles Alderson (The Dare) introduces our new collaboration with Raindance and speaks to founder Elliot Grove about the discount on their latest course Moneyball that you can get ONLY through the filmmakers podcast by using this code RDPODCAST20 Click this link and it will take you directly there bit.ly/RDMoneyball. Listen to the podcast for the details and % amount
Tom Malloy info
How he worked with Oliver Stone as exec on his first film Gravesend and how from there wanted to learn how to be a producer to make films that he could act in.
We discuss how important it is to have a publicist and how crowdfunders aren’t always the best route.
How Tom approached a high networth individual (HNI) and got them to invest in his first film the Attic. Investors want to be in the film business. It sounds cooler than bitcoin on the golf course
How you should always bring on producing partners you respect. If you can’t raise finance, partner with someone who can. Put strengths where your weakness are and how it gets easier to spot dodgy producers in the business the further you are along with your career.
Learning bot Tom and Giles had the same composer on their debut film with Mario Grigorov on the Attic and The Dare respectively.
Now Tom has moved into the distribution side of the business with Glass House distribution so he can guarantee x amount of returns no matter what.
How his new found footage horror Screamers got picked up by Epic pictures, Peace West and Dread Central
The best way to find investors “If the why is big enough the how is always possible”
Raindance www.raindance.org
Raindance offer bit.ly/RDMoneyball use the code RDPODCAST20 for % off
SCREAMERS Trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Xca9w15DN0
Buy SCREAMERS here: www.amazon.co.uk/Screamers-Tom-Ma…amers+tom+malloy
Ethel short film Indie GoGO https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ethel-a-drama-about-dealing-with-alzheimer-s/x/3041448#/
Exist Indie GoGo https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/exist-a-fantasy-thriller-about-mental-health-horror/x/3041448#/
Official site to the podcast www.thefilmmakerspodcast.com
Giles Alderson Official site www.directedbygiles.com
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @tommalloy

Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
The wonderful and delightfully film investment savvy Exec Producer Peter Dunphy from Gizmo Film joins us to discuss film finance, how important your investors are not just at the beginning and How the feature film Funny Cow starring Maxine Peake, which is out now came to be.
How being an Exec Producer can have it's perks but also it's downfalls like having to sack actors but gives us the best way to do it.
We discuss his latest TV show Mad to be Normal starring David Tennant and Elizabeth Moss which is coming out soon
How he worked for business man James Caan and became an expert on tax which proved to be invaluable.
“Every film you are involved in you make big mistake and say I’m not going to doing that again. “
Mistakes are not seeing the route to market. You should be thinking about distribution and sales
“If you can’t get sales agent or distributor at the early stages. Get a new project”
We discuss the best way to move forward with a project when you just have a script.
We go into detail on SEIS, EIS and film tax relief
*note SEIS - 50% tax rebate for investors. Limit is 150k. Plus loss relief on top of that. So 75% is risk free.
EIS. Investors can raise up to 10mil per investor
And by getting advanced assurance. Allows you to give comfort to your investor.
Now the government want you to make a slate of films. Rather than one.
Film tax relief. If making a film in the UK you qualify up to 25% of film tax relief.
“Spend the money as if it was your own”
Surviving Christmas. Good cast, EIS advance assurance and UK tax credit in place. “The moment you get the the film wrapped you now have an asset, which the investors have a stake in.
We also discuss how to keep investors at bay or entertained.
Trailer 'Funny Cow' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qDFb7qUV30
Film INFO www.funnycowfilm.co.uk
Twitter @Gizmo Films @PeterDunphy1
Follow us
@filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @cjamedirect

Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
They debate about when to shout out that you are making films. Should you scream fromm ten rooftops or keep it under wraps ? When is the best time to say I am making a film.
Wanting to prove yourself as a filmmaker. Do it as soon as possible
For director Steve Kelly how looking so young when he first started at ITV was a detriment. You need to learn to tell a story. One of the great ways to do this is to learn to edit.
They discuss how to not set your expectations too high on your first film and be realistic with what you can achieve and how you can only succeed by failing more than the person next to you.
We learn how Dean quit acting because he knew he was a better producer and how short films are the best way to learn how to make feature films and If you haven’t got the skill-set to write yourself find writers
How making The Bromley Boys was a testament to how well they worked together as if you are still speaking after trying to make a project after 7 years then you have done something right.
Getting the right team around you and collaborating well is vital. It should be a family and be happy to come to work.
They also give us invaluable advice for raising funds for films.
“You trip up once and the investor is out. They are looking for you to make a mistake” - Dean Fisher
They also discuss how to make a period film and the tricks to making it work. So how can you make it work? Shoot it in a 70’s style? Have a great costume and make design and art department is so important. Also you can paint our satellite dishes. But you can shoot in most places in london then shoot big close ups with a shallow depth of field.
Going for self distribution as got P&A spend on the Bromley Boys. Having the right strategy for the film. If they don’t get with a major studio they decided they should distribute this themselves. Make sure you get a theatrical booker and experts in poster deign and trailer producing and how word of mouth is huge.
Why releasing a film yourself can be very worthwhile. Just get the best people around you. It's the same as when you are making the film
Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnXhdQ3fa4E
Film Screenings and Website http://www.thebromleyboys.com/

Tuesday May 22, 2018
Ep 54 HOW TO MAKE AN INDIEFILM AT SUNDANCE with Indie Film Hustle'sAlex Ferrari
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Tuesday May 22, 2018
The Filmmakers Podcast meets the Indie Film Hustle !!
Giles Alderson (The Dare) and Alex Ferrari (This Is Meg) chat together about making indie films, podcasting and how Alex made his latest film On The Corner of Ego and Desire at the Sundance Film Festival when the festival was in full swing right under the noses of the every day public and staff.
We start at the beginning though and how Alex got started in film-making and his ups and downs before he finally made his first feature film This is Meg.
Alex discusses how being the problem as a first timer filmmaker/director and being the issue is one of the reasons why your film might not get made but sometimes it's good not to happen too early or he would have self imploded and destroyed himself with all that came with it.
Being so close before it gets taken away is brutal and devastating.
How he went after his dream and made This Is Meg. and wrote the Scriptment with the star of the film Jill-Michele Melean .
He decided to do what he preaches about and went out and made a movie. "Just do it. Find the resources you know and make it happen". and How he put it out on various platforms including Hulu.
People always think your first film has to be a breakthrough hit . It doesn’t. Just make a film and learn from your failings
Making On The Corner of Ego and Desire, a feature film at the Sundance Film Festival during the festival was a challenge but he made it happen. Getting the cast and crew together and making the ‘director’ role a female. Wanted to make a movie about trying to sell a movie at Sundance. A this is Spinal Tap for the movie makers
How people at teh festival were happy to help out. Managed to shoot in amazing places, Molly’s, outside nightclubs, on buses and Sundance head quarters without getting kicked out.
The only issue was the party scene they had at their own Sundance party were people were having too much fun to care about someone making a movie.
But Alex tells us how making the whole movie was like improvisation Jazz. It’s emotional and semi autobiographical
Distribution side of things . Going to see where the festivals takes it.
“Get out of your own way, stop being afraid and get out and do it. Don't wait for it to be perfect”
Fail as often as you can so you can get down to the work
You have to love this,
Not only does Alex run the Indie Film Hustle podcast and website but also now hosts the Bullet proof screenwriters podcast
BUY This is Meg www.amazon.com/This-Meg-Jill-Mic…A1n/dp/B074DQQN1M
Twitter @indiefilmhustle @IamAlexFerrari
WATCH World of Darkness documentary: www.amazon.co.uk/World-Darkness-D…ee/dp/B07BS35KQ2
Follow us at www.thefilmmakerspodcast.com
T @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson

Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
Part 2 of our chat with indie filmmakers and the team behind ace action thriller Tango One, Trish Rybarczyk & Sacha Bennett sit down with Giles Alderson (The Dare) and Dan Richardson (Retribution) in Just Voices Studio to chat about how they made it.
*We have an exclusive on their new film Ethel with a CAST announcement.
They tell us how they made Tango One. Getting all the money from the investor and getting Universal on board. Only issue with that is having to wait behind the big releases to come out first and hoping yours is next. But hearing the universal theme on at the beg of your movie is incredible.
How adapting a book can be difficult and ho turning away from the book and changing the character can be very beneficial. And changing the dialogue to fit. How they didn't want it to be a gangster film. Making Tango One more international and thriller-esque and less London drug dealers .
It’s all about prep. If you want something done do it yourself.
Buy the film www.amazon.co.uk/Tango-One-DVD-Vi…an/dp/B078XY2JL9
Watch the trailer www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRXiDGtg3vo
Follow Ethel progress here www.ethelshortfilm.co.uk/
Follow the guys here: www.threewisemonkeys.com
Twitter @trish_ster & @SachaBennett
Support Dan's crowdfunding campaign 'Roar 4 Lions' here: www.bornfree.org.uk/roar-for-lions
Listen to our other podcasts here: www.thefilmmakerspodcast,com
Follow us: @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @Dan710ths @TheDareMovie

Tuesday May 15, 2018
Tuesday May 15, 2018
The team behind ace action thriller Tango One, Trish Rybarczyk & Sacha Bennett sit down with Giles Alderson (The Dare) and Dan Richardson (Retribution) in Just Voices Studio to chat about how they made it.
Trish started out working on Scorsese's The Departed and American Gangster and Spiderman3. Got to see how a huge company worked on set. She wanted to learn the craft of filmmaking and not jump into it. So did loads of jobs in film to get the experience.
Sacha “Id still argue being on set, watching a film play out is the best film school”
How Sacha worked as an actor on Blackadder and the amazing learning experience he had from that. "Even if it’s you going out with some mates and an i-phone, by doing some acting you’ll become a much better director that way"
If you’ve been a runner and had to mop up the toilets you understand the vitals of that.
If you are making a short, just ask actors. They are always looking for work
After Sacha made Devilwood, the investors asked if he could make a feature for 150k, so he quickly went through the scripts he had and made it work with Tuesday his bank heist film
Getting his cast of John Simm, Kevin McNally and Ashley Walters.
How they made Tango One. Getting all the money from the investor and getting Universal on board. Only issue with that is having to wait behind the big releases to come out first and hoping yours is next. But hearing the universal theme on at the beg of your movie is incredible.
How adapting a book can be difficult and ho turning away from the book and changing the character can be very benificial. And changing the dialogue to fit. How they didn't want it to be a gangster film. Making Tango One more international and thriller esk and less London drug dealers .
It’s all about prep. If you want something done do it yourself.
Buy the film www.amazon.co.uk/Tango-One-DVD-Vi…an/dp/B078XY2JL9
Watch the trailer www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRXiDGtg3vo
Follow the guys here: 3wmproductions.co.uk/
Twitter @trish_ster & @SachaBennett
Support Dan's crowdfunding campaign 'Roar 4 Lions' here: www.bornfree.org.uk/roar-for-lions
Listen to our other podcasts here: www.thefilmmakerspodcast,com
Follow us: @gilesalderson @Dan710ths @TheDareMovie

Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
You wanna be a filmmaker? What you doing about it?
A short motivational chat about getting off you ass, being in the right mindset, working hard and making your film happen with Giles Alderson (The Dare) and Christian James (Fanged Up).
If you are a screenwriter, director, filmmaker or all three. Listen to this. Then go out and make your script, film or project.
There is no excuse not to.
Follow us at www.thefilmmakerspodcast.com
Twitter: @filmmakerspod

Tuesday May 08, 2018
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Or how to go from being a Assistant Director to directing your own feature film. Giles Alderson (The Dare) and Christian James (Fanged Up) chat with director Daniel Jerome Gill about going from an AD on many big movies to taking Modern Life is Rubbish award winning short into a feature film.
After University and his gap year Daniel made a pact to make it in the film industry and sent 100s of emails our to productions companies asking for a job. He got a few responses but that is all he needed to start work as a runner
To get a AD job with need perseverance. First job taking rushes at end of night. Making Teas. Doing a few unpaid short films you will eventually meet somebody who can take your career to the next level.
First paid job on worst film ‘Sex Lives of the Potato Men’ then that team brought him in on Matthew Vaugn's Layer Cake.
Standing by monitor on Danny Boyle's Sunshine and he learnt loads. And then started make short films from the crew he had met. He made Modern Life is Rubbish as a short film with no intention of making a feature, He got camera kit for free, begged borrowed and stole. Amazing how many people will help you.
He tells us how he got actor Rafe Spall into that short film. "Fortune favours the bold and you have to brave and ask".
Learning while working as an AD from successful directors. The main lesson he learnt was planning. Plan your shots. But be able to adapt.
How to turn to short film into a feature.
After getting into the Cannes short film corner. Mapped it out with the writer Phillip Gawthorne. Then after the success of the short he got an agent (42 Management) who sent the feature off and Universal liked it. Eventually he attached producer Dom Norris who raised the remaining funding to match Universal. How having a sales agent on board helps your investor to think it is real.
He tells us while working as crowd AD on The Crown he got the call saying his feature was happening and he had to leave.
How he shot the feature in 55 locations in 5 weeks
How it is important to trim down scenes in the edit. If they didn’t move the story forward you have to loose it. Lost 20 mins.
Getting the incredible music/score and how he cast the names who are in his film.
This film has opened loads of doors. Signed with CAA in America.
Advice: Bang on people’s doors and make a movie or short.
Modern Life is Rubbish is on at Picture House cinema now and can be purchased on line.
Trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W5R2f6UO0k&t=4s
Short Film: www.youtube.com/watch?v=60DZBoK1QhU
Buy the feature: www.amazon.co.uk/Modern-Life-Rubb…or/dp/B07BF5TH63
Follow Daniel here: Twitter: twitter.com/danieljgill
Follow us: www.thefilmmakerspodcast.com
Twitter: @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @Cjamesdirect

Friday May 04, 2018
LIVE from the London Independent Film Festival
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Host Giles Alderson (The Dare) heads to the the London Independent Film Festival and chats to the filmmakers attending including the team behind Winter Ridge, Dom Lenoir, Matt Hookings, Michael McKell, Hannah Waddingham, Alistair Ager and Ian Pirie as well as filmmakers and actors Jon Campling, Simeon Willis, Toby Osmond, Ben Richards, Andromeda Godfrey, the team behind short film Stationary and the festival director Natasher Marberger.
NEW WINTER RIDGE TRAILER https://vimeo.com/267988
Natasha Marberger starts off by telling us that to get selected film entrants just need good stories.
Stars of Winter Ridge Hannah Waddingham and Michael McKell talk about getting into film for the right reasons their approach to scripts on what parts they get to play. How when acting try and lock in so you ignore the producing side of things. Some of the really good directors have been actors and that the least direction was from Robert Zemeckis
Producer and actor Andromeda Godfrey discusses finding someone you want to work with and make it happen. It can be a lonely business so find people you want to work with. Believe in your project and yourself.
"Producing is putting out fires. Or even better not letting the fire start in the first place"
We chat to the team behind the short film Stationary and how a good team that works together well is very important and the main issues of being tight for time. Know your project well and submit to the right festivals. Being realistic makes you have a better chance.
We talked to Little Shit director Richard Gorodecky and Philip Ilson the London short film festival director who looks for films with a voice
Actor Simeon Willis is now writing a screenplay after being inspired by the podcast and how he directed ah a film for the 48hr film challenge
Actor and producer Toby Osmond on how he does it "I’m just a doer. I like starting stuff".
Actor of Winter Ridge Ian Pirie on making Bond film, Die Another Day, how director Lee Tamahori brought rawness and thought on his feet. Bringing indie film process to a huge budget. Working with Christopher Nolan on The Dark Night and getting advice on his frst ever film. A little know Scorsese piece called Gangs of New York.
Actor Jon Campling talks about the difference between shooting an indie film and shooting Harry Potter . The huge machine behind a huge film and everything serves the actor. Indie film is a collaboration between everyone working on it.
Winter Ridge script editor and screenwriter Alistair Ager chats about the process of script writing and being a script editor. "You can be a fresh pair of eyes and you can spot things that the writer didn’t". How he looks for character arcs or plot points that aren’t needed and too much dialogue.
And Dom Lenoir and Matt Hookings make a little appearance too.
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