A podcast about how to make film and TV by filmmakers who actually make them. Interviewing guests from the film-making world from Indie film to Hollywood and everything in between. Hosts Giles Alderson (The Dare), Lucinda Rhodes Thakrar (Knights of Camelot), Christian James (Fanged Up) & Andy Rodger (World of Darkness), Dom Lenoir (Winter Ridge) and many others.

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Director and screenwriter David Raymond joins Giles Alderson on this weeks podcast to talk casting and working with huge named talent including Henry Cavill and Sir Ben Kingsley on his debut film NOMIS aka Night Hunter.
They chat how David went from politics to watching The Lord of The Rings to wanting to make movies and how he managed to charm his way into big meeting rooms to begin his creative turnaround.
How he wrote his first feature Heroes and Villians and starred in the movie with James Corden then learned fmor that experience he wanted to direct.
How he made his debut feature and managed to attract an incredible cast.
The issues he had on set and has some amazing advice for feature film directors and producers and how he tenacity and willingness to keep going and make his feature film got the movie finished and in cinemas around the world
ALSO How to write a script that gets attention. Being challenged and inspired by seeing how a script is adapted. Working in developing low to mid budget action genre films. Casting, securing actors - Henry Cavill, Stanley Tucci and having a shorthand with Actors - Ben Kingsley, Brendan Fletcher and a Troubled production, logistics, candid, budget problems and how lacking coverage on set is a huge leason.
Why the films name changed and why in Russia it is called Game of Hanibal.
WATCH the trailer for Night Hunter / Nomis / Game of Hanibal here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhN1BbokyhU&feature=youtu.be
Follow David on twitter here: https://twitter.com/stingrayed
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Giles Alderson website
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @Food4ThoughtDoc @gilesalderson @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @RobbiemcKane
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.com

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
On this weeks Filmmakers' Podcast director and screenwriter Adam Egypt Mortimer joins Giles Alderson (The Dare) to talk about his how important it is to prep before coming on set and his latest feature film the excellent Daniel Isn't Real'
They talk about working with actors, advice for directors and being worthy to make a feature in the first place.
How he worked with DP Benji Bakshi (Bone Tomahawk) on Some Kind of Hate after he presented him with a emotional chart/graff of the film.
How he got Elijah Wood's company Spectre Vision on board and they talk how to prepare to meet big execs.
Adam Egypt Mortimer WEBSITE https://www.adamegyptmortimer.com
Adam Egypt Mortimer Twitter https://twitter.com/adamegypt
Daniel Isn't Real TRAILER https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=5MRcPjtUHPk
Make Your Film 5 The next Make Your Film event is Sept 3rd 6.30 onwards for networking, Q&A and guest speakers. Which is sponsored by Performance Insurance First guest announced is: Anthony Woodley (The Flood) and Leon Clarance (Sense8) Tickets https://makeyourfilm-5.eventbrite.co.uk
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Giles Alderson website
Our collaborators
This episode is in collaboration with ScreenCraft. If you're writing a action/adventure screenplay, you'll want to know about ScreenCraft's latest Screenplay Competition, open to feature film screenplays. This year's industry jury includes executives from Fox Searchlight, Paramount, Kaplan/Perrone and LBI Entertainment. ScreenCraft's past winners have gone on to sign with major agencies and management companies, and they've been hired to write for studios and sold screenplays to producers. Get your feature film screenplay to the 2019 ScreenCraft Action/Adventure Screenplay Competition! Early bird deadline now available. Learn more at ScreenCraft.org.
If you haven't heard of Raindance yet, you definitely need to check them out! They're a Film School and Film Festival based in London, and they've been supporting independent film for the past 27 years. The best way to find out more about what they do is to attend their upcoming Taster Day on Saturday 31st August at 11am at the Raindance Film Training Centre. You'll get a real taste of their world-renowned evening and weekend filmmaking courses and workshops about directing, screenwriting and producing, while gaining invaluable introductory knowledge and tips on how to break in the film industry. And, there's a networking drinks session at the end where you'll be able to start building your film-making contacts. Because you're listening to the Filmmakers Podcast, you can get all this for free! Just enter our exclusive discount code: OPENPODCAST19 when booking at checkout". Booking link: http://bit.ly/RDOpenHouse
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @Food4ThoughtDoc @gilesalderson @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @RobbiemcKane
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.com

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, the screenwriters of A Quiet Place, starring Emily Blunt and John Krasinski drop by to chat to Giles Alderson (The Dare) and Christian James (Fanged Up) during FrightFest to talk about creating their Hollywood hit and their latest feature film 'Haunt' which they also directed as well as wrote.
They talk about their World Premier experience at Popcorn Frights and where they met Giles Alderson during his World Premiere of The Dare. - The discuss unsocial cinema goers and watching your own work with an audience.
The differences between working with a writing partner vs. writing for a director. They talk how they got into writing, entering competitions How they wrote up to 30 screenplays before being paid to write one - Writing something to self-produce - a short - Pursuing agents - finding the agents (assistants) at your level.
They talk about their first feature Nightlight - a found footage from the perspective of a flashlight taken into a dark forest - Picked up by Lionsgate, dumped on VOD - How to expect failure as filmmakers - always preparing for plan B.
They talk about A Quiet Place and how it started out as a Plan B - Writing the spec - A film about communication - about a family, not necessarily a horror film first - Their love for silent film being a big inspiration.
They talk about their writing process, ping-ponging ideas, collaborating
And they discuss Haunt - the next project after a Quiet Place - Overcoming boundaries with directors guilds, in only writing together, being on set together and how important it is in finding good collaborators in the film industry.
'Haunt' trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXRGvxdHvZA
Beck and Woods website https://www.beckwoods.com/about
Make Your Film 5 The next Make Your Film event is Sept 3rd 6.30 onwards for networking, Q&A and guest speakers. Which is sponsored by Performance Insurance First guest announced is: Anthony Woodley (The Flood) and Leon Clarance (Sense8) Tickets https://makeyourfilm-5.eventbrite.co.uk
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Giles Alderson website
Our collaborators
This episode is in collaboration with ScreenCraft. If you're writing a action/adventure screenplay, you'll want to know about ScreenCraft's latest Screenplay Competition, open to feature film screenplays. This year's industry jury includes executives from Fox Searchlight, Paramount, Kaplan/Perrone and LBI Entertainment. ScreenCraft's past winners have gone on to sign with major agencies and management companies, and they've been hired to write for studios and sold screenplays to producers. Get your feature film screenplay to the 2019 ScreenCraft Action/Adventure Screenplay Competition! Early bird deadline now available. Learn more at ScreenCraft.org.
If you haven't heard of Raindance yet, you definitely need to check them out! They're a Film School and Film Festival based in London, and they've been supporting independent film for the past 27 years. The best way to find out more about what they do is to attend their upcoming Taster Day on Saturday 31st August at 11am at the Raindance Film Training Centre. You'll get a real taste of their world-renowned evening and weekend filmmaking courses and workshops about directing, screenwriting and producing, while gaining invaluable introductory knowledge and tips on how to break in the film industry. And, there's a networking drinks session at the end where you'll be able to start building your film-making contacts. Because you're listening to the Filmmakers Podcast, you can get all this for free! Just enter our exclusive discount code: OPENPODCAST19 when booking at checkout". Booking link: http://bit.ly/RDOpenHouse
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @Food4ThoughtDoc @gilesalderson @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @RobbiemcKane
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.com

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Part 2 of our chat with ace editor Colin Goudie who regales us with his wonderful stories about editing the incredible Gareth Edwards film Monsters and Star Wars: Rogue One.
Colin talks Rogue One and the excellent story of how he got the job: PLUS:
- Doing a mood reel out of classic action films for Gareth Edwards
- Working with studio editors, working with Jabez Olssen (the hobbit) and John gilroy (Pacific rim)
- Supervising the IMAX grade
- Giving scenes the official Star Wars geek seal of approval
- Great advice for editors
- Rogue one editing stories (Scariff beach scene, Darth Vader corridor scene)
Star Wars: Origins trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdFjOXphx5E
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Make Your Film 5 The next Make Your Film event is Sept 3rd 6.30 onwards for networking, Q&A and guest speakers. Which is sponsored by Performance Insurance First guest announced is: Anthony Woodley (The Flood) and Leon Clarance (Sense8) Tickets https://makeyourfilm-5.eventbrite.co.uk
Get Tickets to the World Premier of A Serial Killers Guide to Life at Fright Fest Sat 24th Aug here: http://www.frightfest.co.uk/2019films/a-serial-killers-guide-to-life.html
Colin's recommended Editing Book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Practical-Guide-Documentary-Editing/dp/1138292192
Phil Hawkins site http://www.philm.co.uk/
Phil's YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfhn9RmfYI4x30b7Ztuhncg/videos
Giles Alderson website
Our collaborators
This episode is in collaboration with ScreenCraft. If you're writing a action/adventure screenplay, you'll want to know about ScreenCraft's latest Screenplay Competition, open to feature film screenplays. This year's industry jury includes executives from Fox Searchlight, Paramount, Kaplan/Perrone and LBI Entertainment. ScreenCraft's past winners have gone on to sign with major agencies and management companies, and they've been hired to write for studios and sold screenplays to producers. Get your feature film screenplay to the 2019 ScreenCraft Action/Adventure Screenplay Competition! Early bird deadline now available. Learn more at ScreenCraft.org.
If you haven't heard of Raindance yet, you definitely need to check them out! They're a Film School and Film Festival based in London, and they've been supporting independent film for the past 27 years. The best way to find out more about what they do is to attend their upcoming Taster Day on Saturday 31st August at 11am at the Raindance Film Training Centre. You'll get a real taste of their world-renowned evening and weekend filmmaking courses and workshops about directing, screenwriting and producing, while gaining invaluable introductory knowledge and tips on how to break in the film industry. And, there's a networking drinks session at the end where you'll be able to start building your film-making contacts. Because you're listening to the Filmmakers Podcast, you can get all this for free! Just enter our exclusive discount code: OPENPODCAST19 when booking at checkout". Booking link: http://bit.ly/RDOpenHouse
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow US on Twitter @filmmakerspod @Food4ThoughtDoc @gilesalderson @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @RobbiemcKane
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.com

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
This week we sat down with wonderful editor Colin Goudie who regales us with his wonderful stories about editing the incredible Gareth Edwards film Monsters and Star Wars: Rogue One.
How both films differed in budget but yet were the same in terms of emotion and making sure the story is key.
Phil Hawkins tells us about his Star Wars fan film: Origins and how it took 3 years to make and why he wanted to make a fan film in the first place especially after having made 5 feature films in the past.
Listen to Phil Hawkins episode as a guest Ep 14
We talk about Colin Goudie's background, leaving school at 15, going to art college, learning 35mm B&W stills photography - Going to film school, learning to tell stories with individual still photos - Putting himself forward for jobs on student films, making himself useful - Breaking into the industry as a runner, getting hired by the BBC as an editing assistant.
We talk Colin's first meeting Gareth Edwards whilst working on BBC programming 'Atilla'. How he working on Monsters and the unusual film production style, entirely improvised, no script, 120 hours of rushes, a fitting challenge to even an experienced editor.
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Make Your Film 5 The next Make Your Film event is Sept 3rd 6.30 onwards for networking, Q&A and guest speakers. Which is sponsored by Performance Insurance First guest announced is: Anthony Woodley (The Flood) and Leon Clarance (Sense8) Tickets https://makeyourfilm-5.eventbrite.co.uk
Get Tickets to the World Premier of A Serial Killers Guide to Life at Fright Fest here: http://www.frightfest.co.uk/2019films/a-serial-killers-guide-to-life.html
Colin's recommended Editing Book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Practical-Guide-Documentary-Editing/dp/1138292192
Phil Hawkins site http://www.philm.co.uk/
Phil's YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfhn9RmfYI4x30b7Ztuhncg/videos
Our collaborators
This episode is in collaboration with ScreenCraft. If you're writing a action/adventure screenplay, you'll want to know about ScreenCraft's latest Screenplay Competition, open to feature film screenplays. This year's industry jury includes executives from Fox Searchlight, Paramount, Kaplan/Perrone and LBI Entertainment. ScreenCraft's past winners have gone on to sign with major agencies and management companies, and they've been hired to write for studios and sold screenplays to producers. Get your feature film screenplay to the 2019 ScreenCraft Action/Adventure Screenplay Competition! Early bird deadline now available. Learn more at ScreenCraft.org.
If you haven't heard of Raindance yet, you definitely need to check them out! They're a Film School and Film Festival based in London, and they've been supporting independent film for the past 27 years. The best way to find out more about what they do is to attend their upcoming Taster Day on Saturday 31st August at 11am at the Raindance Film Training Centre. You'll get a real taste of their world-renowned evening and weekend filmmaking courses and workshops about directing, screenwriting and producing, while gaining invaluable introductory knowledge and tips on how to break in the film industry. And, there's a networking drinks session at the end where you'll be able to start building your film-making contacts. Because you're listening to the Filmmakers Podcast, you can get all this for free! Just enter our exclusive discount code: OPENPODCAST19 when booking at checkout". Booking link: http://bit.ly/RDOpenHouse
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow US on Twitter @filmmakerspod @Food4ThoughtDoc @gilesalderson @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @RobbiemcKane
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.com

Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Giles Alderson sat down with his co-writer Jonny Grant ,his wife Lina Grant and his lead in The Dare actor Bart Edwards to chat how their experience of the first ever screening of The Dare went down and how they felt at the World Premiere of a movie some of them had been working on for 5 years! LIVE from Popcorn Frights Film Festival in Miami.
They talk how Bart Edwards got cast in The Dare , his audition techniques, acting advice and best tips for castings.
They talk how Jonny and Giles wrote The Dare, their journey to get it to the screen. First day on set nerves, how they re-wrote lines on set and how Giles designed the movie with his DoP Andrew Rodger and his directing style.
As well as The Dare, Bart Edwards starred in Season 3 of Lifetime’s critically acclaimed series “UnREAL” and in the Norwegian series “Lykkeland” (State of Happiness) that recently had its World Premiere during the Cannes Series Festival in France. Follow him here @Bart_Edwards
Jonny Grant co wrote The Dare and has also written 8 other feature screenplays. He has recently co-written 'Knights of Camelot' for Signature Ent. which starts filming later this year. Follow him here: Jonny Grant & Follow Lina here www.twitter.com/linagrant_
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Make Your Film 5 The next Make Your Film event is Sept 3rd 6.30 onwards for networking, Q&A and guest speakers. Which is sponsored by Performance Insurance First guest announced is: Anthony Woodley (The Flood) and Leon Clarance (Sense8) Tickets https://makeyourfilm-5.eventbrite.co.uk
Get Tickets to the World Premier of A Serial Killers Guide to Life at Fright Fest here: http://www.frightfest.co.uk/2019films/a-serial-killers-guide-to-life.html
Our collaborators and Sponsors -
This episode is in collaboration with ScreenCraft. If you're writing a action/adventure screenplay, you'll want to know about ScreenCraft's latest Screenplay Competition, open to feature film screenplays. This year's industry jury includes executives from Fox Searchlight, Paramount, Kaplan/Perrone and LBI Entertainment. ScreenCraft's past winners have gone on to sign with major agencies and management companies, and they've been hired to write for studios and sold screenplays to producers. Get your feature film screenplay to the 2019 ScreenCraft Action/Adventure Screenplay Competition! Early bird deadline now available. Learn more at ScreenCraft.org.
If you haven't heard of Raindance yet, you definitely need to check them out! They're a Film School and Film Festival based in London, and they've been supporting independent film for the past 27 years. The best way to find out more about what they do is to attend their upcoming Taster Day on Saturday 31st August at 11am at the Raindance Film Training Centre. You'll get a real taste of their world-renowned evening and weekend filmmaking courses and workshops about directing, screenwriting and producing, while gaining invaluable introductory knowledge and tips on how to break in the film industry. And, there's a networking drinks session at the end where you'll be able to start building your film-making contacts. Because you're listening to the Filmmakers Podcast, you can get all this for free! Just enter our exclusive discount code: OPENPODCAST19 when booking at checkout". Booking link: http://bit.ly/RDOpenHouse
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow US on Twitter @filmmakerspod @Food4ThoughtDoc @gilesalderson @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @RobbiemcKane
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.com

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
The adventure filmmaker Mike Atkinson joins us on the Filmmakers Podcast to chat how he went about making a feature film all on his own! with no crew and in the middle of nowhere! The extreme outdoors, photography and filming are his passion. This led him to start filming his own adventures. "When I watch TV and the internet, what I see doesn’t capture what it’s really like to be alone in the extreme outdoors. Nearly everyone you see is being followed by a film crew and it detracts from the realism of what could otherwise be something interesting that I’d like to watch!"
We chat how he avoided crocodiles, ate dog balls (not the ones you think), got permission form the aboriginal tribes, learnt film-making form this podcast and others as well as youtube, raised his own cash, bought his own equipment and planned for years to create a brilliant inspiring feature film that captures something no-one ever gets to see.
He talks how he packed everything into a rucksack, shot with drones and how he powered the batteries and his laptop as he went, let alone ate and drank while he tried to survive all teh while tracig the steps of two survivors from the past.
How he leaned how to edit and had to work out what certain phrases and techniques were and all the deliverables he had to produce and complete for the distributors so his film 'Surving the Outback' could be released.
WATCH Surviving The Outback trailer
WATCH the FILM Surviving the Outback
Mike's website https://outbackmike.com.au/about/
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Get tickets for The DARE World Premier at Popcorn Frights Film Fest here
Make Your Film 5 The next Make Your Film event is Sept 3rd 6.30 onwards for networking, Q&A and guest speakers. Which is sponsored by Performance Insurance First guest announced is: Anthony Woodley!! Tickets https://makeyourfilm-5.eventbrite.co.uk
Our collaborators and Sponsors -
This episode is in collaboration with ScreenCraft. If you're writing a action/adventure screenplay, you'll want to know about ScreenCraft's latest Screenplay Competition, open to feature film screenplays. This year's industry jury includes executives from Fox Searchlight, Paramount, Kaplan/Perrone and LBI Entertainment. ScreenCraft's past winners have gone on to sign with major agencies and management companies, and they've been hired to write for studios and sold screenplays to producers. Get your feature film screenplay to the 2019 ScreenCraft Action/Adventure Screenplay Competition! Early bird deadline now available. Learn more at ScreenCraft.org.
If you haven't heard of Raindance yet, you definitely need to check them out! They're a Film School and Film Festival based in London, and they've been supporting independent film for the past 27 years. The best way to find out more about what they do is to attend their upcoming Taster Day on Saturday 31st August at 11am at the Raindance Film Training Centre. You'll get a real taste of their world-renowned evening and weekend filmmaking courses and workshops about directing, screenwriting and producing, while gaining invaluable introductory knowledge and tips on how to break in the film industry. And, there's a networking drinks session at the end where you'll be able to start building your filmmaking contacts. Because you're listening to the Filmmakers Podcast, you can get all this for free! Just enter our exclusive discount code: OPENPODCAST19 when booking at checkout". Booking link: http://bit.ly/RDOpenHouse
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow US on Twitter @filmmakerspod @Food4ThoughtDoc @gilesalderson @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @RobbiemcKane
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.com

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
This weeks guest is the writer, director, producer and editor David Tarleton who sits down with Giles Alderson to talk how he made his indie film Hunter.
We chat how to make a cross-genre film, dealing with investors, casting appropriate actors and working with them on set, allowing them to bring things to the table.
How he shot in RAW and came up with a unique look for a film in the grade. We discuss the trick to maintaining and building tension by restricting the audience to a single character viewpoint and withholding info to build suspense and should you call your film a vampire movie when their are vampires in it?
An award-winning producer, director and editor, David holds an M.F.A. in Cinema Television from the University of Southern California, studied filmmaking at New York University, acting at Northwestern University, and has a Bachelor's degree in interdisciplinary studies from the University of Virginia.
David has created programs for Sony Pictures, The Muppets, Syfy Channel, Walt Disney Pictures, 3Net, Fox, Comedy Central, Disney Channel, Tokyopop, Mattel, Universal, Warner Brothers, Baby Einstein, Showtime and more.
David is a producer and a director of the new 3D television series "Dark Secrets," on cable channel 3Net. He is executive producer, director and editor of the award-winning new media comedy series "Dorkumentary," starring Adria Dawn, and was editor of the Webby Award-winning Muppets series "Statler and Waldorf From The Balcony," for Disney. His breakthrough film as producer/director/editor, the gothic fairy-tale "Dinner," premiered at Slamdance, played on the SyFy Channel, and was released on DVD.
David produced and edited the award-winning feature documentary "What Babies Want," narrated by Noah Wyle, and its follow-up "Reducing Infant Mortality." He produced and edited "The Making of Warriors of Heaven and Earth," and "The Making of Double Vision," for Sony Pictures. He was also a producer, DP and editor on the pilot for "Dark Secrets," and senior editor for "The Pat Kilbane Show" for Comedy Central. He was VFX Supervisor for the award-winning feature documentary "Head Games," directed by Steve James. David was the senior editor at Wirebreak, a pioneering Internet video content provider.
WEBSITE: http://davidtarleton.com
HUNTER trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9SctsDbous
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
The next Make Your Film event is Sept 3rd 6.30 onwards for networking, Q&A and guest speakers. Which is sponsored by Performance Insurance
First guest announced is: Anthony Woodley!! Tickets https://makeyourfilm-5.eventbrite.co.uk
Our collaborators and Sponsors -
This episode is sponsored by ScreenCraft. If you're writing a drama screenplay, you'll want to know about ScreenCraft's Drama Screenplay Competition, open to feature film screenplays. This year's industry jury includes executives from Fox Searchlight, Paramount, Kaplan/Perrone and LBI Entertainment. ScreenCraft's past winners have gone on to sign with major agencies and management companies, and they've been hired to write for studios and sold screenplays to producers. Get your feature film screenplay to the 2019 ScreenCraft Drama Screenplay Competition by the final deadline this summer on August 31st! Learn more at ScreenCraft.org.
If you haven't heard of Raindance yet, you definitely need to check them out! They're a Film School and Film Festival based in London, and they've been supporting independent film for the past 27 years. The best way to find out more about what they do is to attend their upcoming Taster Day on Saturday 31st August at 11am at the Raindance Film Training Centre. You'll get a real taste of their world-renowned evening and weekend filmmaking courses and workshops about directing, screenwriting and producing, while gaining invaluable introductory knowledge and tips on how to break in the film industry. And, there's a networking drinks session at the end where you'll be able to start building your filmmaking contacts. Because you're listening to the Filmmakers Podcast, you can get all this for free! Just enter our exclusive discount code: OPENPODCAST19 when booking at checkout". Booking link: http://bit.ly/RDOpenHouse
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow US on Twitter @filmmakerspod @Food4ThoughtDoc @gilesalderson @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @RobbiemcKane
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.com

Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Giles Alderson (The Dare) and producer/editor Robbie McKane sit down with the lovely and talented Shakespeare Sisters to chat how they made their micro budget indie films 'Soundtrack to Sixteen' and 'Much Ado' without ever having made a film before.
Now deep into the edit on their second film the girls regale us with their stories about how they roped their friends into making the film, how they chose to make the film last minute before Hilary went off to University and how they learned on te job by hiring great people around them.
How they wrote the film between Anna school lessons and how they shot the movie in the school where so many of things in the film happened.
How they managed to get a crew together and how they cast the movie and even ended up in it themselves. How they worked out the shots and how to direct on set in a very organic way.
This should inspire any filmmakers out there that anyone can make a film even if you have no experience and make a cracking film in the process.
Check out the Soundtrack to Sixteen TRAILER here
Shakespeare Sisters Website https://www.shakespeare-sisters.com/
Follow the girls on TWITTER here @shaxspersisters
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Our collaborators and Sponsors -
SHOT LISTER's designed by filmmakers for filmmakers and is available on
macOS, iOS or Android. So check it out at shotlister.com
And as a special bonus, Shot Lister is giving away 50 free downloads every
month to the Filmmakers Podcast listeners. Just email filmmakerspodcast@shotlister.com for your free copy!
SCREENCRAFT - If you are planning to make a short film, check out ScreenCraft's 2019 Short Screenplay Competition which is now accepting submissions, featuring judges from Cannes, Sundance, Short of The Week, and Shorts TV. Submit your short screenplay before the final deadline on July 31st. Learn more about the ScreenCraft Short Screenplay Competition at ScreenCraft.org.
Our sponsors: PERFORMANCE INSURANCE https://www.astonlark.com/performance/ They are our insurance company who have been providing insurance for the Media Industry for over 20 years, offering bespoke policies on both annual and short term insurance visit our website www.astonlark.com/performance or call 02082564929 and mention us!
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow US on Twitter @filmmakerspod @Food4ThoughtDoc @gilesalderson @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @RobbiemcKane
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.com

Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Tuesday Jul 16, 2019
Joining us on the podcast this week is the director, writer and producer of the newly released horror drama 13 Graves!
John joins hosts Giles Alderson (The Dare) and Julian Kostov who produced the The Dare to chat the ins and outs of indie film-making
John talks about his issues making his 'first' feature film and the investor problems and his actual 'debut' feature film Four and what happened on that film set which will scare all filmmakers.
We talk screenwriting- using index cards and magic whiteboards Training under the Monty Python school making 16mm shorts Taking out a second mortgage and renting a stately home
Falling fowl of dodgy investors, Making FOUR, his debut feature in an abandoned mail office with Sean Pertwee, Craig Conway, Kirsten Wearing and Martin Compston.
How he made his latest feature 13 Graves with Evolutionary films, Battled storms in an outdoor location, Appealed to local communities for help on the production and got the film finished and released.
WATCH 13 Graves TRAILER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Kvwu12rKI
John's Website http://www.dropdeadfilms.co.uk/the-team/
WATCH The Dare trailer
Our collaborators and Sponsors -
SHOT LISTER's designed by filmmakers for filmmakers and is available on
macOS, iOS or Android. So check it out at shotlister.com
And as a special bonus, Shot Lister is giving away 50 free downloads every
month to the Filmmakers Podcast listeners. Just email filmmakerspodcast@shotlister.com for your free copy!
SCREENCRAFT - If you are planning to make a short film, check out ScreenCraft's 2019 Short Screenplay Competition which is now accepting submissions, featuring judges from Cannes, Sundance, Short of The Week, and Shorts TV. Submit your short screenplay before the final deadline on July 31st. Learn more about the ScreenCraft Short Screenplay Competition at ScreenCraft.org.
Our sponsors: PERFORMANCE INSURANCE https://www.astonlark.com/performance/ They are our insurance company who have been providing insurance for the Media Industry for over 20 years, offering bespoke policies on both annual and short term insurance visit our website www.astonlark.com/performance or call 02082564929 and mention us!
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow US on Twitter @filmmakerspod @Food4ThoughtDoc @gilesalderson @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @RobbiemcKane
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.com