A podcast about how to make film and TV by filmmakers who actually make them. Interviewing guests from the film-making world from Indie film to Hollywood and everything in between. Hosts Giles Alderson (The Dare), Lucinda Rhodes Thakrar (Knights of Camelot), Christian James (Fanged Up) & Andy Rodger (World of Darkness), Dom Lenoir (Winter Ridge) and many others.

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Shola Amoo, The director and screenwriter of the BIFA winning 'The Last Tree' sits down with Giles Alderson and Robbie McKane to chat how he makes his films on episode 146 of TFP
He talks about his start in journalism and his route to film through documentary film-making, Learning transferable skills from journalism, critical reading, analysing texts and applying that through documentary, learning how to create a narrative from real world environments and events and importantly listening skills in interviews
His breakthrough into directing by getting his documentary bought and screened by Current TV, then working with actors at the Soho & Royal Court Theatres' & working on music videos
Going to NTFS and shooting short films there - The Prayer, Touch
and then making A Moving Image - 1st Feature, a parable of gentrification
How he worked with iFeatures for the Last Tree
And finally we talk The Last Tree , how he got the money to make the film, working with the actors, allowing freedom to move around 360 degree environments & allowing for flexibility with the actors whilst having a clear confident approach ’You plan to let go’.
WATCH The Last Tree here: https://www.thelasttree.film/
Shola Amoo WEBSITE https://www.sholaamoo.com/the-last-tree
Tickets to the latest MAKEYOURFILM event TONIGHT 28th Jan 2020 here
WATCH A Serial Killers Guide to Life www.aserialkillersguidetolife.com
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Giles Alderson's website
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @robbiemckane @Food4ThoughtDoc@35mmdop@Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm@thedaremovie @philmblog @DirDomLenoir
Music from musicbed.com
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.squarespace.com

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Live from 'Dirt in the Gate's' screening at The Shelley Theatre in Bournemouth as Director, DoP, writer, producer, composer and editor Mark Jenkins sat down with his camera lighting man Colin Holt and host Shaun Kimber to discuss how he made his award winning feature BAIT.
They talk the shot the film on 16mm film using 130 roles of film down on the Cornish coast with his mates and minimal budget. How he hand processed the film and re recorded the dialogue to give Bait it's unique look & sound.
Bait has been nominated for two 2020 BAFTA's -' Outstanding British Film of the Year' & 'Outstanding debut by a director or producer'. Bait WON the Breakthrough Producers Award at BIFA 2019
BAIT Film now available on Blu Ray, Prime Video, i-tunes or BFI Player
BUY/WATCH BAIT https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bait-Dual-Format-Blu-ray-Edward/dp/B07WJR8X3M
@Baitfilmuk @Mark_Jenkin @dirtinthegate
Dirt in the Gate screenings https://www.cineplo.com/GB/Bournemouth/1735230893370573/Dirt-In-The-Gate-Movies
Tickets to the latest MAKEYOURFILM event on 28th Jan 2020 here
Raindance Actors Foundation Certificate on Monday, February 3rd, and the 20% OFF code is Acting2020 https://www.raindance.org/courses/actors-foundation-certificate/
WATCH A Serial Killers Guide to Life www.aserialkillersguidetolife.com
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Giles Alderson's website
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @robbiemckane @Food4ThoughtDoc@35mmdop@Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm@thedaremovie @philmblog @DirDomLenoir
Intro Music from musicbed.com
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.squarespace.com

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
This week we're joined by filmmakers Staten Cousins Roe and Poppy Roe where they discuss their killing spree filled black comedy A Serial Killer's Guide to Life with host and producer Giles Alderson
Poppy and Staten discuss the importance of appreciating the collaborators and creators around you, savvy ways to keep a cost-effective shoot, and the knack of running a successful Kickstarter campaign to raise £27,500.
The trio also chat about knowing your audience and how to target it, honing a film in the edit, and Giles reveals some of the more glamorous tasks of his role as a producer on the film.
A Serial Killer's Guide to Life - Official Trailer
On iTunes in the UK: https://apple.co/2YbAz2d
Pre-order herehttps://www.aserialkillersguidetolife.com/
Watch short This Way Out here www.thiswayoutmovie.com
Tickets to the latest MAKEYOURFILM event on 28th Jan 2020 here
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Watch Winter Ridge trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3BENJ2kf7U
WATCH Star Wars Origins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVSox0qApO4 Phil Hawkins' already cult 'fan film'
Dirt in the Gate screenings https://www.cineplo.com/GB/Bournemouth/1735230893370573/Dirt-In-The-Gate-Movies
Giles Alderson's website
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @robbiemckane @Food4ThoughtDoc @35mmdop@Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm@thedaremovie @philmblog @DirDomLenoir
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.squarespace.com

Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
We chat with the lovely and talented Krysty Wilson-Cairns on this weeks podcast all about screenwriting, her process and working with Sam Mendes on the brilliant and epic 1917 war film. OUT on 10th Jan 2020
Krysty chats with Giles Alderson (The Dare), Dom Lenoir (Winter Ridge) and Robbie McKane about what a typical full time screenwriting day look like - when do you get up? How many Deliveroos do you have?
Hanging out ‘like a waif’ on the set of Taggart, Rebus and other Scottish TV shows at age 14 - Watching Arnold Schwarzenegger’s DVD commentaries - Your first short unintentionally looking like a tribute to The Cure - Going to NFTS - inspired by key writers and teachers
- Writing about killer Guinea Pigs for script assignments - a fascination for the macabre - Being a young female untested writer in the UK - working in the US - Writing on Penny Dreadful - Writing 1917 on spec with Sam Mendes, using screenwriting skill to lay the blueprint for a story set in real time - Sam Mendes & cooking perfect pancakes every time.
1917 Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqNYrYUiMfg
1917 is in cinemas on 10th Jan 2020
Thank you to Cameo PR and EOne
This episode is sponsored by the amazing people at ScreenCraft.org. The 2020 ScreenCraft Screenwriting Fellowship is now accepting applications - and the final deadline to apply is coming up - the last day of February! Up to four winners of the 2020 ScreenCraft Screenwriting Fellowship will receive all-expenses paid travel to Los Angeles for a week of meetings and mentor-ship with top Hollywood professionals. Apply with your feature or TV screenplay at screencraft.org/fellowship before the end of February. The ScreenCraft team is currently reading submissions. Good Luck :-)
Pre-order A Serial Killers Guide to Life here https://www.aserialkillersguidetolife.com/ WATCH Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=395fp-nEkoU Released Jan 13th
Tickets to the latest MAKEYOURFILM event on 28th Jan 2020 here
Gold Movie Awards info https://www.goldmovieawards.com/
This weeks code for 20% off the film directing masterclass at Raindance! It is presented with one of Europe’s most respected and seasoned film directors: Ate de Jong. He will be illustrating his masterclass with clips from his films such as DROP DEAD FRED, ENIGMA, DISCOVERY OF HEAVEN, HIGHWAY TO HELL, MIAMI VICE, DEADLY VIRTUES, LOVE IS THICKER THAN WATER and many more. Type in 2020director for your 20% off,
Raindance Use promo code LO To NO BUDGET MASTERCLASS for 20% OFF!
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Watch Winter Ridge trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3BENJ2kf7U
WATCH Star Wars Origins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVSox0qApO4 Phil Hawkins' already cult 'fan film'
Dirt in the Gate screenings https://www.cineplo.com/GB/Bournemouth/1735230893370573/Dirt-In-The-Gate-Movies
Giles Alderson's website
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @robbiemckane @Food4ThoughtDoc @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @philmblog @DirDomLenoir
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.squarespace.com

Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Screenwriter and producer Anthony McCarten joins Giles Alderson (The Dare) and Dom Lenoir (Winter Ridge) to talk about writing The Two Popes, Bohemian Rhapsody, The Theory of Everything & Darkest Hour. He talks about where the ideas come from. How to work through the script and how to write the characters who are real whilst re- checking the research
Anthony discusses getting permission to write The Theory of Everything. The Stephen Hawkings biopic which took 8 years. After that film became a hit how the doors suddenly opened to the Hollywood rooms.
How to live with doubt and how this industry is full of rejection. The moment the phone rang and it was Queen asking him to write the script to Bohemian Rhapsody
Turning his play into a screenplay with the Two Popes and how he got the feeedom with Netflix to make the movie they wanted to make.
How he pitches his stories and Anthony Hopkins' advice to actors and as a screenwriter how important it is to know your ending before you start writing.
The Two Popes Trailer here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5OhkFY1PQE&feature=emb_logo
This episode is sponsored by the good people at ScreenCraft.org. The 2020 ScreenCraft Screenwriting Fellowship is now accepting applications - and the final deadline to apply is coming up - the last day of February! Up to four winners of the 2020 ScreenCraft Screenwriting Fellowship will receive all-expenses paid travel to Los Angeles for a week of meetings and mentorship with top Hollywood professionals. Apply with your feature or TV screenplay at screencraft.org/fellowship before the end of February. The ScreenCraft team is currently reading submissions. Good Luck :-)
Tickets to the latest MAKEYOURFILM event on 28th Jan 2020 here
WATCH A Serial Killers Guide to Life trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=395fp-nEkoU Released Jan 17th 2020
Pre Order A Serial Killers Guide to Life here
Raindance Use promo code LO To NO BUDGET MASTERCLASS for 20% OFF!
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Watch Winter Ridge trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3BENJ2kf7U
WATCH Star Wars Origins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVSox0qApO4 Phil Hawkins' already cult 'fan film'
Dirt in the Gate screenings https://www.cineplo.com/GB/Bournemouth/1735230893370573/Dirt-In-The-Gate-Movies
Giles Alderson's website
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @robbiemckane @Food4ThoughtDoc @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @philmblog @DirDomLenoir
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.squarespace.com

Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Director Zackary Adler (Rise of The Krays) and producer and composer James Edward Barker (Mara) discuss the merits of film-making with Giles Alderson (The Dare) and Christian James (Fanged Up)
Zack discusses how he got The Krays directing job and the importance of a director composer relationship while James talks through the importance of producer/director relationships as well.
The discuss how their latest feature 'The Courier' came to be, casting and working with Gary Oldman & Olga Kurylenko and how they finance movies
WATCH The Courier TRAILER here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cERrVZk94wY
The Courier is OUT NOW!
Tickets to the latest MAKEYOURFILM event on 28th Jan 2020 here
WATCH A Serial Killers Guide to Life trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=395fp-nEkoU Released Jan 17th 2020
Pre Order A Serial Killers Guide to Life here
Raindance Use promo code LO To NO BUDGET MASTERCLASS for 20% OFF!
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
WATCH Star Wars Origins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVSox0qApO4 Phil Hawkins' already cult 'fan film'
Dirt in the Gate screenings https://www.cineplo.com/GB/Bournemouth/1735230893370573/Dirt-In-The-Gate-Movies
Giles Alderson's website
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @robbiemckane @Food4ThoughtDoc @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @philmblog @DirDomLenoir
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.squarespace.com

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Legendary director Fernando Meirelles joins us to talk about how he made his latest feature The Two Popes starring Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce. He discussed how the film came about, what his process is like on set, how he worked with massive names including Anthony Hopkins, how he prepares and performs on the day and how he cast Jonathan Pryce.
He talks about lighting The Two Popes and his process working with his DoP and how they used oil paintings as reference and used a flat light.
How he uses music in his films and why he used Jazz
How he edited 45 minutes out of The Two Popes and the importance of a good editor. Being aware of pace in the edit.
How he made The Constant Gardener and created the film into 45 minutes in the edit room .
He explains how his breakthrough film City of God came about and why he put his own money into the film and what happened after he sold City of God at Cannes
And how on The Two Popes Netflix helped and were a brilliant support.
The Two Popes is out in cinemas and on Netflix on Dec 20th 2020
WATCH The Two Popes Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5OhkFY1PQE&feature=emb_logo
This week's episode is sponsored by MusicBed Promo Code: FILMMAKERSPOD - Get one month of subscription on MUSIC BED for free — or 20% off of a single-song purchase. Just enter promo code FILMMAKERSPOD when you check out.
Tickets to the latest MAKEYOURFILM event on 28th Jan 2020 here
WATCH A Serial Killers Guide to Life trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=395fp-nEkoU Released Jan 17th 2020
Pre Order A Serial Killers Guide to Life here
WATCH Star Wars Origins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVSox0qApO4 Phil Hawkins' already cult 'fan film'
Raindance Use promo code FUNNYCHRISTMAS for Writing Comedy Kickstart on Jan 20th
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Dirt in the Gate screenings https://www.cineplo.com/GB/Bournemouth/1735230893370573/Dirt-In-The-Gate-Movies
Giles Alderson's website
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @robbiemckane @Food4ThoughtDoc @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @philmblog @DirDomLenoir
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.squarespace.com

Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Actor, writer and director Tom Cullen joins Giles Alderson to discuss in depth his John Cassavetes-inspired romantic drama feature Pink Wall starring Tatiana Maslany & Jay Duplass.
Giles and Tom discuss football, shared inspiration to become an actor/director, a 13-year old's ideal DJ name, challenging yourself at drama school and more.
Tom shares some insight on how he collaborates on set, using a semi-improvised style with actors to give them space to explore, working with a limited shooting window, getting the right material for the edit and ultimately letting a film be its own beast.
WATCH Pink Wall from 13th Dec 2019 in the UK
This week's episode is sponsored by MusicBed Promo Code: FILMMAKERSPOD - Get one month of subscription on MUSIC BED for free — or 20% off of a single-song purchase. Just enter promo code FILMMAKERSPOD when you check out.
Tickets to the latest MAKEYOURFILM event on 10th Dec 2019 here
Raindance Use promo code 20SATURDAY20 for 20% off Saturday film school on December 7th :) https://www.raindance.org/courses/saturday-film-school/
Pre-Order A Serial Killers Guide to Life here
WATCH A Serial Killers Guide to Life trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=395fp-nEkoU
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Giles Alderson website
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @robbiemckane @Food4ThoughtDoc @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @philmblog
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.wordpress.com

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
This week actress, producer and screenwriter Sarah Megan Thomas joins Giles Alderson to talk about her latest movie Libertè: A Call to Spy
They talk about raising finance and getting to know your investors, how she approached her financiers and kept them for the next film and how you can wear multiple hats on a film set.
They natter about Sundance and the film festival lottery, her screenwriting process, casting and how she got star names attached to her first feature film and how to budget, deal with rejections, working with directors as a producer and actor and we talk about her journey as a female filmmaker and her latest brilliant film that she wrote, produced, raised the money for and starred in: Libertè: A Call to Spy .
WATCH Libertè: A Call to Spy at Whistler Film Festival on 6th Dec 2019
Follow Sarah Megan Thomas on Twitter here www.twitter.com/SarahMeganT
This week's episode is sponsored by MusicBed Promo Code: FILMMAKERSPOD - Get one month of subscription on MUSIC BED for free — or 20% off of a single-song purchase. Just enter promo code FILMMAKERSPOD when you check out.
Tickets to the latest MAKEYOURFILM event on 10th Dec 2019 here
Raindance Use promo code 20SATURDAY20 for 20% off Saturday film school on December 7th :) https://www.raindance.org/courses/saturday-film-school/
WATCH A Serial Killers Guide to Life trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=395fp-nEkoU
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Giles Alderson website
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
WATCH Fanged Up https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fanged-Up-Daniel-OReilly/dp/B07F83JN6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1542670909&sr=1-1&keywords=fanged
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @robbiemckane @Food4ThoughtDoc @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @philmblog
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.squarespace.com

Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
What happens when you take a George A Romero zombie apocalypse and place the focus on a class of 6 year olds? Director of Little Monsters Abe Forsythe shares with us how he approaches comedy, satire and blending genres in his highly original style of film-making.
Robbie McKane sat down with Abe to talk about Abe’s influences, his debut feature Ned, based on Australian hero Ned Kelly, and his follow up feature Down Under, which covers on the bizarre landscape of modern polarised social politics with a brutal bite of black humour.
Finally we discuss Little Monsters, its inception, how it was financed and how Abe got his dream cast, including Josh Gad (Frozen) and Lupita Nyong'o )12 Years a Slave) in addition, we look at the challenges of filming with child actors in a zombie movie and striking the perfect tone between horror and comedy.
WATCH Little Monsters TRAILER here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn3G_VoJjYk&feature=emb_logo
Check the film out on Sky Movies now
This week's episode is sponsored by Shotlister
Shot Lister's designed by filmmakers for filmmakers and is available on
macOS, iOS or Android. So check it out at shotlister.com
And as a special bonus, Shotlister is giving away 50 FREE downloads every
month to our listeners. Just email filmmakerspodcast@shotlister.com for your free copy! No catch
Tickets to the latest MAKEYOURFILM event on 10th Dec 2019 here
RAINDANCE discount - Get your short film financed, produced, into festivals and sold!
The ONE day Short Film Masterclass on film production from conception to sale. This Sat 30th November https://www.raindance.org/courses/short-film-master-class-w-ali-mashayekhi/
With PROMO code - shortfilm - you get 20% off
WATCH A Serial Killers Guide to Life trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=395fp-nEkoU
WATCH The Dare trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5aZVm2drjY
Giles Alderson website
Robbie McKane website
WATCH World of Darkness https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BS35KQ2?pf_rd_p=855cdcfd-05d9-474f-b84d-8286a3530ba1&pf_rd_r=G5Q5NNQZR9PRZNQ4ME5D
Follow us on Twitter @filmmakerspod @gilesalderson @robbiemckane @Food4ThoughtDoc @35mmdop @Cjamesdirect @dan710ths @FangedUpFilm @thedaremovie @philmblog @makeyourfilm
Part of the www.podfixnetwork.com